Neo4j for Healthcare Provider Networks

In this article we look at how Neo4j can be used to analyze healthcare provider networks.

Some domains in healthcare are dynamic. They require constant changing of the data model. An example of this is insurance products and provider networks. Insurance products have properties that are updated from year to year. Some groups are added , removed and their properties are modified over time. Provider Networks also undergo changes from time to time. This can include adding or removing providers, changing in/out of network statuses.

For an organization that is analyzing this information, having rigid database schemas slows down the speed at which useful analytics products can be created.

One possible way to allow this dynamic nature of data models but still have a way to analyse the data quickly is to use a Graph database. Neo4j is one that comes to mind.

The Project

As an example , we can use an openly available data set of some of New York’s providers that ca be found here. We will parse this data into a staging database (One column to hold the dynamic fields). We will then load the data into a Neo4j graph.

In this data-set, we will use the visualize the following domains:

  1. Health Providers
  2. States/Counties
  3. Health Insurance Plan Names
  4. Network Indicators – These show different groupings that each plan & provider are a part of.

We will 1st need to transform the data a little including some unpivoting to dynamically convert all the indicator and network columns to rows. We will use dbt to do this. I am a strong advocate for the use of sql based tools like dbt that can be used by majority of data professionals. Source Code can be found here

Then we will load the pivoted data into the graph, adding new nodes and edges (relationships) as we come across them. (See neo4j cipher queries used in the github link)

Some screen shots of the resulting graphs:


An Opinionated HealthCare Integration Pipeline

Creating stable data pipelines in healthcare can be quite challenging for a number of reasons. In this article we will review at some these challenges and propose an opinionated healthcare integration pipeline that can help mitigate them.

TL ;DR Go straight to the Pipeline

Current State And Possible Solutions

Lack of a standard approach

It is understandable that every healthcare integration project has its own niche and market. This makes it difficult to find a tried and tested methodology for creating a pipeline. However, it is still important to stick to some principles that are applicable to most situations. One such principle is to focus on standardizing the different sources of data so a single (or just a few) pipeline(s) paths can be used

Duplication/ difficult reuse

Without proper planning , data pipelines can degenerate into a mess of customizations that are difficult to reuse.

A good principle to use to prevent such a situation is to apply changes at a few defined levels consistently. For example if calculating some patient risk scores, 1st apply a general scoring logic (reusable across all sources) that is not source specific, then if needed, apply a source specific scoring that can override the general one. These levels should be maintained separately so they can evolve independently.

Reuse can also be enhanced by using configurations ideally stored in a database. The pipeline stages can query the configuration to find out which components of logic to apply to the data. This can reduce the additional pipeline changes needed with every new data source added in the future – The pipeline stays constant as configuration evolves.

Scalability Issues

A solution to scalability problems is to use an event Driven approach. Each step picks up its task from a messaging queue and also sends its results to a queue. Apache Kafka is a good option for this type of setup.

Message queues are better suited for streaming data sources (say hl7 v2 or Fhir), but they can also be used for batch loads if only the job metadata and not the message itself are put in the queue.

Using configuration driven approach mentioned above can also help avoid a ‘pipeline per data source’ anti-pattern.

Moving the Datawarehouse to cloud distributed solutions such as Redshift should also help scale.

To public cloud or not?

The concerns about using public cloud providers in healthcare are getting less with time. Healthcare data being very sensitive (see HIPAA).

Regardless , architecting pipelines based on micro-services that can be deployed in-house, in private or public cloud without a lot of changes should help with this.

Monitoring & Alerting

Pipeline Metrics and Logging are crucial when especially when using horizontally scalable solutions. It is important to be able to view say the counts of data being processed at each stage and processing node and any logs of errors from a centralized dashboard. If this is not done , it is difficult to get notified when something goes wrong.

Skills Shortage

It is difficult to find enough expertise on all the technologies needed to run a modern data pipeline. To reduce the need for specialized knowledge, use of sql based tools (see dbt) can help.

Example Healthcare Integration Pipeline Design

NoCode/LowCode ETL Tools Vs Coding

In this article lets abbreviate NoCode /low code drag & drop ETL tools as “d&d” for brevity.

There is no shortage of NoCode ETL advocates out there.In practice, I have found that while NoCode solutions can save you time and money, there are a few pitfalls you have to put up with.

In this article we will look at some limitations of this type of ETL.

I have seen several sales pitches made by ETL vendors where they blissfully drag and drop some ‘super’ connector that can handle a given data format / communication protocol. Some are even Vendor specific (SalesForce..etc). It seems impressive on the face of it. What..? we don’t have to code a http endpoint to send or receive the data? Wonderful..lets buy this now!!.

Usually this works in simple one-off use cases. But soon enough you find that the configuration options out of the box do not let you reuse the same component in some different situations.

Let’s compare the d&d components to code. Think of the configurations values that the d&d components have as fields in a class that are used to alter behavior. These configurations are supposed to allow customization right? So what is missing? Let’s see a few limitations of these tools.

Loss of Object Hierarchy & Abstraction

This is perhaps the most overlooked downside of using drag and drop etl tools.

Say you need to validate your data as it is being read. Simple, just create a d&d component with your validation rules.Now say you need to validate 2 domain objects, Users and Addresses. Now you need 2 different validator d&d components – UserValidator, AddressValidator.

Next, say each validator should send a notification to some system when validation rules are broken. Now you have to add (a) notification component(s) (even if its the same reusable component ) to each of your 2 validator components. See how the number of components is going up? Your d&d design area will get very cluttered very quickly.

An attempt to decouple these d&d components to reduce clutter results in a kind of GOTO flow with one flow referencing another separate flow. This becomes difficult to visually keep track of once you have several of these ‘jump-to’ flows. I contend that it is easier to follow class abstractions to their implementations (all good IDEs will do this easily) than it is to click through flows that reference other flows in complicated d&d design area

Now how can coding make this easier? Well you can have your Domain objects extend a common class. Say an abstract class called Validator. The notification method can be placed in the parent class or in a decorator class that wraps it. You don’t need to use N notifiers for N domain objects that you have in your system.

Another example here is if your validators need to do some standard steps before or after validation. These can go in the parent class rather than be duplicated in child classes. You really cant do this easily with d&d

You can easily see this is in effect comparing a 2D design to a 3D one, d&d tools force you to have all your functionality on the the same hierarchy level. Using classes allow you to abstract away common functionality and have less verbose code, easier to understand, less cluttered and faster to create and extend.

Limited Configuration based orchestration

In a real world data pipeline , often you need to read some configuration and apply different logic to transform data and sometimes in different order/sequences. For example in healthcare, based on a source of the data, you might need a different logic to match patient identities.

Say one patient match strategy is to call an external service and the another is to use an internal service. Using d&d you will need to drop as many components as there are strategies and maybe read the config and select which path to follow. If a 3rd strategy becomes necessary, you will have to edit the existing pipeline and add a new component. Modifying an existing pipeline will require a full round of testing. Also this can lead to a really cluttered d&d design area.

If using Code this design can be abstracted away behind a patient matching interface that has multiple implementations that are selected at runtime by only changing configuration. Adding a new strategy is as simple as adding 1 class and creating configuration to use it. This will need a limited testing effort. Also these strategies can use inheritance as noted in the 1st point above, to keep similar behavior in one class further reducing the clutter.

Learning Curve

One thing that becomes apparent once you start using d&d etl tools is that by trying to get away from code as it requires more skilled developers, you find that every tool becomes complicated once the business logic becomes complex.

As every etl tool has its own ‘philosophy’, it can take your analyst/developers a long time to figure out where all the tuning knobs are hidden and when to use them and in what combinations to apply them. So you end up just trading one type of complexity for another. I have seen etl tool setups that are so complex that they actually need a developer that can code to maintain them.

Rather than look to run from a coding solution, I would suggest to try get at-least one good architect/senior developer who will apply common design patterns to the ETL code.


The good ETL tools usually provide a way to create reusable components (maplets in informatica, joblets in talend).

What I have observed in practice is that because of the ease of just dragging stuff onto the UI, or because of lack of proper design thinking (that would be more likely to happen if using code), most people end up not using these reusable components. As an example if theres need to standardize addresses, the same d&d component is created in multiple data pipelines say user addresses, company addresses, doctor addresses.

When a change is needed to the logic for standardizing addresses , in a d&d tool you end up with have several places to make the change.

If using code , It forces you to have some forethought about nature of classes to be used and I would imagine a single class to do address validation that is called from different pipelines would be the solution arrived at.


Testing d&d components is usually not as straight forward as it is for coded solutions. In the age of continuous integration, there is more emphasis on automated tests that run before deployment. There are more tools and frameworks for running these tests for , say a java/spring or c#/ .net solution than there are for d&d etl tools.

Some ETL tools like informatica will have functionality to create tests, but others like Snaplogic do not have a 1st class support for testing. Even when support for testing is built-in, I contend that coded tests are better for a few reasons. Coded Tests can make use of constructs like mocks to abstract away external dependencies. Coded Tests can make use of dependency injection to swap out implementations at runtime (Example , if the etl job calls a rest endpoint). Coded tests are less likely to be vendor specific & easier to migrate to new platforms.


In the end, whether to use a NoCode Drag& Drop ETL tool or to use code will depend on the nature of the job at hand.

Simple dataflows may be easily done in a no/low code etl tool. But in my experience in healthcare it is rarely the case that dataflows are that simple. At one of my previous jobs, we actually ended up just using the etl tool as an orchestration tool. The job responsibility was to call and schedule the run of complex stored procedures and coded applications.

FHIR – Extending the Hapi-Jpa Server For Cloud and Microservices

A quick intro to the Fhir terminology:

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. FHIR maintains healthcare domain resources representations mainly in json and xml formats.

Hapi-Fhir-Jpa ( is a complete implementation of the HL7 FHIR ( standard for healthcare interoperability in Java. This project provides a java/spring JPA backend with a front end to interact with resources. In the website , it states that the “recommended way to get started with the HAPI FHIR JPA server module is to begin with the starter project”. ( Other than this recommendation, I could not find any specific guide on how to do just that in a real world production setting.

My requirements for using the project include the following:

  1. Streamline my development/build/release process by using the jpa-starter project as an explicitly declared dependency , rather than clone the project and modify its internal structure. (Ever heard of the 12 factor app?)
  2. Extend the project by
    • Use spring framework for all the functionality extensions, using java Configuration
    • Allowing easy addition of interceptors to extend functionality.
    • Demo receiving a resource and then sending a message to a Kafka topic using an interceptor.
  3. Package the app in a runnable jar with an embedded web server. (again see Running the application this way (as opposed to as a war on a web server) conforms more with microservice architecture. This allows the app to be run as an independent process that can be scaled up or shut down as needed.


I’ll be using gradle to manage dependencies. 1st step is to declare the dependency on the war in maven repository. Notice the ‘@war’ extension that brings in the whole war without exploding and picking the jars and classes in it.

dependencies {
    warOnly 'ca.uhn.hapi.fhir:hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter:4.2.0@war'

Next, we extract the war contents so I can use its classes, lib and resources(js, css, img). There are a few exclusions here and they will have to be added in the project itself.

tasks.register("explodeHapiFhir",Copy) {
    from zipTree(configurations.warOnly.singleFile)
    into "lib/hapiFhirWar"
	exclude 'WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml' ,

Then we add the exploded dependencies.

dependencies {
    implementation files ('lib/hapiFhirWar/WEB-INF/classes')
    implementation fileTree ('lib/hapiFhirWar/WEB-INF/lib')
    warOnly 'ca.uhn.hapi.fhir:hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter:4.2.0@war'

Next, static resources are copied to current project – see example for js below (same is done for css and img directories)

	from 'lib/hapiFhirWar/js'
	into 'src/main/resources/js'
// other similar copy tasks for css, js, thymeleaf templates
compileJava {
    dependsOn explodeHapiFhir
    dependsOn copyJs
    dependsOn copyCss
    dependsOn copyImg
    dependsOn copyTemplates

Now running ./gradlew build will copy resources to current project.


There are 2 servlets /contexts to register. One is hapi-fhir that handles requests to interact with resources, the other is the fhir-tester app that provides a ui to send requests to the 1st servlet.

Hapi-fhir-jpa uses spring web.xml configuration to register servlets. We replace that with java configuration, taking advantage of capabilities added since servlet 3.0.

public class FhirServletInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
    public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext)
               throws ServletException {
        ServletRegistration.Dynamic dispatcher = servletContext
            (Servlet) new HdipRestfulServer());

Registering the 2nd servlet using spring

	public class ServletInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer{

    protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses() {
        return new Class[]{
	    FhirServerConfigCommon.class, FhirServerConfigR4.class,
HdipConfig.class} ;

		protected Class<?>[] getServletConfigClasses() {
			return new Class[]{

		protected String[] getServletMappings() {
			return new String[]{"/"};
		protected String getServletName(){
			return "spring";

We use Java Configuration classes to register components such as the mvc configurer, kafka template.Showing only 1 config class below.

public class HdipConfig{

    private String resourceCreatedTopic;
    private String kafkaHost;
    public ResourceCreatedInterceptor resourceCreatedInterceptor(KafkaTemplate template){
        return new ResourceCreatedInterceptor

    public ProducerFactory<Long, IBaseResource> producerFactory() {
        return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfigs());

    public Map<String, Object> producerConfigs() {
        Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
        return props;

    public KafkaTemplate<Long,IBaseResource> kafkaTemplate() {
      return new KafkaTemplate<Long,IBaseResource>
    public KafkaAdmin admin() {
        Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
        return new KafkaAdmin(configs);

    public NewTopic resourceCreatedTopic() {


We extend the provided JpaRestfulServer so we can add listeners to it as we wish. This is a cleaner way to extend the hapi fhir project , keeping our business logic separate from the parent dependency itself.

public class HdipRestfulServer extends JpaRestfulServer {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void initialize() throws ServletException {
    ApplicationContext context =  (ApplicationContext)

The interceptor listens for Patient resource created events and sends a message to a Kafka queue. This can be used by a downstream process which retrieves the resource from the server for further processing. Obviously you will need a running kafka broker.

public class ResourceCreatedInterceptor {
  static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceCreatedInterceptor.class);
  private KafkaTemplate template;
  public ResourceCreatedInterceptor(KafkaTemplate template){
   this.template = template;
  public void handleIntercept
     (IBaseResource resource, RequestDetails reqDetails,
      ServletRequestDetails servletReqDetails){
       ((Patient) resource).getIdentifierFirstRep()
                           .getValue() ,"Patient");
    template.flush();"Resource Created: "+ resource);

Packaging an Executable Jar

We will use the shadow gradle plugin’

shadowJar {
  dependencies {

Now the project can be assembled with

./gradlew shadowJar

And ran with

java  -Xmx2048m -Xms512m -jar </path/to/jar>.

I suggest running it with sufficient memory.

Now you can navigate to the Patient link, paste a Patient resource and click create. If you have way to view kafka messages (I use kafdrop), you can see the messages queued up in the kafka topic.

And that’s it folks. The source code can be found in github here